YOUR article headlined 'Witch's prison term may rise' (LET, July 10) identified Sally Corkhill as a "self-confessed white witch."

I wonder if you would have headlined the case as 'Jew's prison term may rise' if Ms Corkhill had been a follower of the Jewish faith, or have described her as a 'self-confessed Catholic' if that was what she had been.

Witchcraft is a part of several old (and new) religions and 'confessing' to being a 'white witch' simply means saying 'I'm a witch,' in the same way as one would say 'I'm a Christian.'

It doesn't involve standing up at a Pagans Anonymous meeting and admitting it. A person's religion -- any religion -- is nothing to be ashamed of.

When you feel ready to derogate all religions equally, then you can insinuate that there's something suspicious about wicca, hedgewitchery, or whatever faith Ms Corkhill follows.

And before anyone replies to this, witchcraft is no more evil or to do with devil worship than any of the mainstream religions.

The Devil is a Christian myth charactr and is therefore utterly irrelevant to belief systems that existed before Christianity even came to Britain.

RICHARD COWEN, Roman Road, Darwen.