REGARDING the orbital route project in Blackburn, with the "progress" that is to issue from the development at Montague Street motorists are to lose three car parks.

But drivers will still try to park near their place of work as it is no good to anyone having to leave their vehicle way out of town and having to then catch a bus.

People will not do this and the situation in Blackburn will get worse. The traffic chaos will become so offensive to motorists that many will find other places to do business and shopping.

There is also the proliferation of ill-thought-out traffic schemes, such as road humps, "wickets" and street narrowing.

Many motorists driving through Blackburn are not aware of the pitfalls -- there are no warning signs and these obstacles cannot be seen after dark.

Darwen Street bridge is only just coping with traffic now. Any more will act as a wedge.

The next move by the road planners will be tinkering with the traffic lights to keep them on red longer. This will test the composure of motorists as they wait in the holdups for their turn to come, and move through the Darwen Street bridge bottleneck.

JOHN SHORROCK, Marlton Road, Blackburn.