I SUPPORT M Robinson's remarks (Letters, July 19) regarding the ugly saga that is beginning to unfold in Burnley which is fast becoming a modern-day 'Little Moscow.'

The fact that three British National Party members were democratically elected by some 10,000 voters in Burnley has brought on fits of vicious rage and a variety of threats, all aimed at making the political lives of the three councillors untenable.

The explosions of venom are emanating from members of N.A.T.F.H.E., Unison and various other bodies, all left-wing.

No doubt, many of these democratically-minded people would be jumping for joy if such as the Socialists Workers' Party (how many of them actually work?) could win seats.

But there must be some people in N.A.T.F.H.E. and Unison and other unions who are appalled at this disgraceful behaviour.

The people who voted BNP will be taking note of these attempts to throttle free speech. They may very well be affronted by this sordid exhibition against those for whom they have cast their votes. They could well see their ranks increased.

J K FIELDING, St Cecilia Street, Great Harwood.