POOR attendance levels, truancy, bullying, vandalism... the list is endless. This is the result of withdrawing school bus services.

Darwen Vale High School sent letters to pupils' homes about this one week before the start of the holidays.

At the subsequent town hall meeting, it was said that the schools involved were consulted in January. "It's the responsibility of the school -- the governors are the people you need to be speaking to," was the cry.

I have contacted the school on occasions about the buses being late and events which have happened on them, only to be told the buses are nothing to do with them. I was even given a phone number for someone to contact at the council.

Now they are saying it's no longer their responsibility. The meeting was more about promoting a healthier lifestyle, it would seem, should you wish your child to spend an hour or so walking to and from school every day in torrential downpours.

There is no way my son is taking a short-cut over Bog Height Road and risking being knocked down or abducted because it is quicker. Safety has never even been considered in all of this.

C PEEL (Mrs), Heys Lane, Blackburn.