KERB crawlers and prostitutes are being targeted in a new police crackdown after more than 30 call girls flooded a residential area.

The influx of prostitutes to the Bank Top area of Blackburn is believed to have been sparked by a clampdown on vice in Preston.

The city's call girls have moved into residential streets in Blackburn and people from as far as 25 miles away are travelling to find sex.

More than 2,000 leaflets are being distributed to residents to reassure people action is being taken.

Many of the hookers are also said to be drug addicts and are earning as much as £700 a week to feed their habit.

Residents in Bank Top demanded action following the huge rise in the number of prostitutes and police have now started targeting the men who pay for sex.

Plain-clothes officers are patrolling streets and cautioning those seen kerb crawling. Repeat offenders will be sent letters warning them they have been seen.

Those caught with a prostitute in their car will immediately be arrested.

Twenty six men have already been arrested and more than 100 letters sent out in the last few months -- before the purge started.

Chief Inspector Tracie O'Gara, of Blackburn Police, said: "We are acutely aware that the quality of life of residents may be suffering as a result of street sex workers operating in and around the Bank Top area.

"Our aim is twofold. We want to improve the quality of life, but we also want to intervene in the cycle of circumstances that can lead to street prostitution.

"We will be arresting those engaged in street prostitution -- but we will give them the opportunity to help themselves.

"As well as being tough on the enforcement side, it is important that we understand the real causes of why these girls turn to prostitution.

"When we have analysed the information, we can look at how other agencies can assisting in offering a sustainable approach to combating what is a very old problem."

Coun Mohammed Khan, who represents the Bank Top area, said: "The problem has got worse since it moved into a residential area.

"It seems to shift from one part of the ward to another but does not affect the residents so much when it is in the industrial part.

"I am in contact with the police and am pleased at the action they are taking.

"I am also pleased at the actions of the other agencies to try to help the prostitutes into a legal living and off drugs, which is the only way really of sorting out the situation for good."

Bank Top resident Eddie Duxbury said he hoped the blitz worked.

He said: "There have been clampdowns in different parts of the area for the past five years but it just springs up again.

"It is a problem in our area and hopefully the prostitutes will take advantage of the fact they are being offered the chance to start a new life."

Arrested prostitutes will be offered support through the Drug Arrest Referral Scheme.

Most of Blackburn's prostitutes admit that they sell themselves to fund heroin and cocaine habits.