THE annual Scarlet's Stride returns this year after being cancelled in 2001 because of the Foot and Mouth outbreak.

Starting at 10.30am on Sunday 22 September, the 12 mile route for runners and walkers begins at Cliviger Parish Church. Safety is kept very much in mind, so the route is well marshalled and checkpoints are linked by radio.

THE August meeting of Cliviger Parish Council was held on Friday at The Village Hall, Holme Chapel. Mrs Jean Haycock was co-opted to fill the advertised vacancy for a councillor. There is now a further vacancy due to the resignation of a councillor because of other commitments. This vacancy will be advertised shortly.

NOTIFICATION has been received from Burnley Borough Council that the application to build a bungalow at Rock Water had been approved, subject to conditions.

A CONSULTANCY company, working on behalf of United Utilities, is arranging to send a representative to speak to councillors at their next meeting. United Utilities are proposing to build a wind farm, near Clowbridge reservoir, which is partly in the parish of Cliviger.

THE Highway Consultancy is considering the use of bus stop markings at the Village Hall stop. They are also looking at other possible solutions to the problem of buses not being able to pull in to the kerb because of parked cars. The bus companies will also be consulted.

ARRANGEMENTS have been made to install black and white edge markers in the footway near to 25 Burnley Road, to discourage drivers from mounting the footway and driving along it.

THE hedges along Burnley Road, which a resident had complained about at the July meeting, have now been cut.

COMPLAINTS received by the borough councillors for Cliviger include unlit street lights, blocked drains and the inadequate policing arrangements for Cliviger and Worsthorne.

RESIDENTS have complained about speeding cars on Red Lees Road making entering or leaving their properties dangerous. The site on Dyneley Avenue where a shop was demolished some time ago is being used as a dumping ground, Burnley Borough Council is to be asked to take action.

FOLLOWING the exhibition held at St John's Church earlier this year, a donation of £300 has been received from a parishioner. As the donation was gift-aided this made it worth £380. The PCC greatly appreciates the donation.