FORWARD-thinking Bury companies combining imagination with innovation could secure vital cash to turn their blueprints into reality.

For in addition to the Government sponsored SMART awards for innovation, Business Link North Manchester has secured European funding to give small firms the opportunity to improve their existing products or processes.

Called Innovation Aid, the fund has been obtained to allow companies to secure the necessary research and development support to develop new products or give their existing products a new lease of life. Previously, without such support, it has been difficult for businesses to fund the development of their products within a reasonable timescale. "The SMART Feasibility and Development awards provide funding for entirely new 'unique' products," says Roger Mitchell, technical business adviser at Business Link North Manchester.

"This excludes many businesses in the North Manchester area who need to develop what they already manufacture in order to remain competitive."

He added: "We see such development as a form of innovation as in many cases businesses will actually use new methods or develop replacement models. Even so they will not meet the SMART criteria therefore the Innovation Aid fills a much needed gap."

Innovation Aid is split into three main areas:

Help for existing companies to fund the use of specialist consultants to develop their products or processes.

Help for businesses to cover the costs necessary for testing and research and development

Help for companies towards the cost of building prototypes or test rigs to help prove designs.

As part of the research and development activity Business Link North Manchester is also encouraging businesses to network.

"We are keen to provide a forum in which businesses can get together, discuss common problems and hopefully match solutions," continued Roger. "We have already started facilitating this process by organising seminars on Internet Solutions."

With the undoubted demand for this aid, Business Link North Manchester will undertake a free diagnostic for businesses wishing to apply.

For information contact the technical business advice team on 0845 6083388.