THE prospect of George Bush waging war on Iraq because, he claims, Iraq has defied international law on weapons inspection, is complete hypocrisy.

Since coming to office, Bush has torn up more international treaties and defied more UN conventions than the rest of world has in the last 20 years.

He has ignored the biological weapons convention while the USA illegally experiments with its own biological weapons, and refuses to allow chemical weapons inspectors full access to its laboratories.

He has torn up the anti-ballistic missile treaty, seems ready to violate the nuclear test ban treaty, has sabotaged the small arms treaty, and has undermined the international criminal court.

He has sought to immobilise the UN convention against torture to keep observers out of the American-owned prison camp in Cuba, and is prepared to go to war without a mandate from the UN.

It must now be assumed that Bush is more of a danger to world peace than Saddam Hussain. And if he is as successful in finding Saddam as he has been in finding Osama Bin-Laden, or those in America guilty of sending the anthrax letters, then he is destined to fail.

With only 13 per-cent of British people supporting war in Iraq, Blair should heed the electorate instead of hanging onto Bush's coat-tails and dragging us into a war on behalf of this stupid oil magnate.



Prestwich and

Whitefield CND.