THE word on the street was unanimously in favour of the cafe staying put as a welcome addition to the town.

Tazeim Akhtar, 33, of Eastwood Street, Blackburn, said: "It is an absolutely beautiful cafe with the open front and bright colours. It is part of a modern cafe culture with healthy tasty food. It would be a horrendous loss."

Gerald Small, 76, of Richmond Road, Accrington, said: "I have been happily sat here watching so many people go in and out. Closing it would be unfair seen as there are other burger bars and cheaper chains round here anyway."

Kathleen Gregson, 47, of Markham Road, Witton, said: "There is nothing else like this in Blackburn I can't believe they would even consider closing it. It is outrageous.

"That cafe is the only thing we have that resembles a classy city place."

Kristine Whalley, 22, of Quebec Road, Blackburn, said: "It is not just about going shopping for a day, you want to be able to sit and chat. There is nowhere else like that to go and it is always packed."

Rachael Holden, 22, of Eastmoor Drive, Clitheroe, said: "Lots of shops on King Street that have no appeal to day shoppers.

"This is the best use of space in Blackburn and attracts people here."