AN East Lancashire Churches charity is 'all tooled-up' thanks to the generosity of a local brewery.

The Daniel Thwaites Charitable Trust has donated £1000 to Blackburn with Darwen Churches Action for the purchase of tools to be employed in its electrical and joinery workshops.

General manager of the Churches Action charity, Fred Milligan, said: "It's a fantastic donation, we are wholly dependent on funding and get most of our help from Europe or central government.

"It's wonderful when local companies are prepared to help the community like this."

The charity, with stores at Chapel Street, Blackburn and Kay Street, Darwen, works on behalf of the Christian community to meet the needs of the disadvantaged within the borough of Blackburn with Darwen.

Mr Milligan, a businessman who came out of retirement to run the successful project, said: "We collect unwanted furniture and household goods and then use the items to provide for those in need who are referred to us by various agencies.

"In Blackburn we have established training workshops and, by making and repairing furniture and goods, provide skills for young people which subsequently enables them to gain full-time employment."

In its first 12 months, Blackburn with Darwen Churches Action made 4050 collections of furniture and helped 1004 clients with furniture and household goods. The scheme needs £130,000 per year in order to carry out its work and meet the consistent demand for its services.

The money donated by Daniel Thwaites Charitable Trust has been used to buy a whole range of modern tools and equipment.

"It's like Utopia to us, the lads have been itching to get their hands on the tools and work with them."

Mr Milligan received the gift from Avril Howarth, a representative of the Charitable Trust.