MORE than £80,000 worth of clothes have been sent packing to the third world after staff at Burnley's Wacky Warehouse took delivery of a smart new uniform.

The clothes mountain, which includes items donated by staff from the children's play area at the Hollywood Star pub, Manchester Road, will be sent off with the help of international aid charity Oxfam.

The Wacky Warehouse, which includes climbing frames and ball pools for children to play in, is owned by Spirit Food Pubs and now has a new uniform sponsored by Walker's Crisps.

Operations director Jerry Robinson said: "We changed our uniform and rather than bin perfectly good clothes decided to put them to good use instead.

"It seemed a shame to shred £80,000 worth of clothes to rags and with the help of Oxfam 8,000 polo shirts and sweaters will help people across the world."