A MEETING of Hapton parish Council heard concerns from the public about two cases of parking problems in the village.

The owners of the Ambulance Service in Hapton find that at times they are only able to drive forward into their garages. This means that in the case of an emergency they waste valuable time backing out and manoeuvring inconsiderately parked cars.

The owners have appealed to the car drivers but have had no co-operation. The Parish Council agreed to ask the advice of the Borough Council Roads Department and the police.

The other case was on Water Street where customers visiting the club were parking on the street rather than using the club's car park. This causes problems for the residents.

The Parish Council also expressed it's concerns about the number of juvenile nuisance problems in the area.

A COMMITTEE of members of St Leonard's Church in Padiham has been set up to launch an appeal and start fundraising to renovate the workings of the church bells. Anyone who can help out are asked to contact the vicar Mark Jones on 772442.

THE Mayor and Mayoress of Padiham, Couns Granville and Pat Lord recently attended a presentation evening held by Haslingden Search and Rescue team. They saw a film show and members of the team explained that the team rely on donations to keep them functioning. The civic couple would also like to thank Potterton Myson (BAXI) for their recent donation of £50 that they made to the Mayor's Charity Fund.

PADIHAM Medical Centre has made minor alterations to the medication of some of it's patients. Anyone who will be affected by these changes has been informed. Invitations for 'flu immunisation have also been sent out by the Medical Centre. These are available to all patients aged 65 and over or those who have serious health problems. They are available in October on Fridays, 4 and 11; Monday, 7; Wednesdays, 9 and 23; Thursdays, 17 and 24, from 2pm-6pm.

THERE is now a vacancy for a clerk to the Parish Council and applications from people with an interest in village life and an ability to offer advice and secretarial support to the Parish Council are welcome. Applications to Chairman of the Parish Council, Coun Joan Lakeland, 28 Lane Bottom, Hapton or ring her on 779600 for further details. Applications close on September 30.

MALE parishioners of St Margaret's Church, Hapton have set up a Hapton Men's Group. It has already met several times and held some interesting events. It covers all age groups and would welcome other men of the village who would be interested in joining. For details ring Grahame Trudgill on 776166 or John Dell on 771468.