COMMUNITY Beat Manger PC Richard Collopy is urging local residents to make their mark and help prevent mobile phone theft.

PC Collopy is holding a free mobile phone marking session at the Kwik Save, In Briercliffe Road, Burnley, on Wednesday, from 10am until noon and he is urging residents to come along and make the most of the free offer.

PC Collopy, the beat officer for Duke Bar, Burnley, will also be available to give general advice and information while he is at the store.

He said: "We are currently staging a crackdown on theft as part of the Safer Streets in Lancashire campaign and we are encouraging people to take more care of their property.

"That includes mobile phones, which people should consider getting security marked.

"While the main aim of this visit is to offer crime prevention advice, I would also be happy to talk to residents about any concerns they may have in general. So if anyone is having problems with youth nuisance, or is concerned about any other issues in the Duke Bar area, then I would ask them to come along and see me."