HUNDREDS of shoppers watched as the night sky around Blackburn Cathedral was lit up by a spectacular fireworks display last night

Specially-imported fireworks from Spain were used in the display and set off from the Cathedral roof, as well as the grounds, to add an extra dazzling touch to the Lancashire Evening Telegraph event.

The button to trigger the display was pressed by nine-year-old Westholme pupil Jessica Hurley who was picked out of a hat to perform the honour.

Afterwards, nearly 1,000 people packed into the Cathedral for the Lancashire Evening Telegraph's annual carol service conducted by the Dean of Blackburn, the Very Rev Christopher Armstrong.

The service included music from the Salvation Army Band and the cathedral choir and a reading from assistant editor Nick Nunn.

The fireworks display is organised by traders every year as a thank you to shoppers for using Blackburn and Darwen over Christmas and the rest of the year.

Phillip Ainsworth, of Ainsworth and Sons Jewellers, arwen Street, said: "It's been a fantastic display with a good crowd and the conditions were ideal."