I AM writing to ask you if anything can be done to outlaw the practice of trick or treating, which is indulged by many children on Hallowe'en.

Trick or Treat is an observation practiced in America and adopted in this country, which appears to have got out of hand.

Like many American practices adopted in this country, it is very questionable.

I am sure you will agree with me that trick or treat is not a good Christian practice, in fact it is a form of blackmail - treat me or else! Not good conduct as part of our children's education at all.

One elderly woman, who refused to answer the knocking at her door to children on a trick or treat venture, told me that an egg was thrown at her window by the children on account of this.

This is not good behaviour for children in a so-called Christian community and I wonder if the authorities can do anything to stop this practice.


Barnes (address supplied).