LETTER to Mr Christopher Leslie MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State from Mr Hilton Dawson MP.

I MET fire-fighters in Lancaster for what was a good discussion in circumstances where I consistently re-iterated the view that the only way to achieve an improved professional pay structure is through modernisation and the way to develop this is through proper participation in the Bain Inquiry rather than via dangerous and self-defeating strike action.

I have to say that as ever I was impressed with the dedication and commitment expressed by the people with whom I met although I was concerned at what I perceived to be a hardening of attitudes since the last time I saw them shortly before the strike began.

I think it's vital that both sides in this dispute listen carefully to each other and try not to inflame the dispute through hard words.

One message that came over very clearly is that fire fighters are genuinely concerned that some of the measures being proposed under modernisation could actually lead to a reduction in public safety. One example of this would be a requirement to man fire engines alongside the retain fire service. At first sight this seems a perfectly reasonable idea, however, they point out that this could mean a delay in vital minutes while full-timers awaited the arrival of part-timers at the fire station before they could go out to attend to an incident.

I would not support a reduction in the safety of my constituents and nor would I expect this Government to do so. I have proposed to local FBU members that the way to get the views of those who are experts on these issues into the Bain discussions is for them to at least suspend their strike action proposed for Wednesday.

It also seems to me that the Government should make clear that while it would challenge any views which would seem simply to uphold established practices that the well-founded concerns of those who are dedicated to public safety would be taken very seriously indeed.

I know that we cannot give in too unreasonable pay demands backed by strike action, I firmly believe in the modernisation of all public services around the needs of the public and I am appalled by the way that the FBU leadership have apparently tried to develop what is an industrial dispute into a wider attack on the whole Government over this weekend.

However, I trust in the sincerity of my constituents and I hope that despite all the hard words on both sides that a way can be found to balance the need for modernisation very clearly against fire-fighters genuine concerns for public safety in the context of ending this dreadful strike.

Hilton Dawson MP

Lancaster & Wyre