I WONDER why people keep writing books about places like Blackburn and either have a poor memory or they are using street names which do not relate to the actual street and also in the wrong direction. I refer to such authors as William Woodruff and Josephine Cox.

I was born in Garden Street near the Griffin and knew a lot about that district.

I am only four years younger than Woodruff so I was around the Griffin at that time he writes about.

As for people having no money for food etc., they could get money and tokens for food from the council and also unemployed men could go to work on the vegetable farm attached to Queen's Park Hospital, which was called "The Grupper."

Only a few of the houses in Griffin Street were as small as Woodruff describes. The biggest trouble with Griffin Street was that it was the main road to Mill Hill before it was closed to let the then new road come through from Buncer Lane.

The new houses in Livingstone Road, which Woodruff refers to, would be built about 1900 and were rented at 12s6d a week.

As for Nab Lane and taking bus tours to see it (LET, December 2) you will have to do some digging for it has been buried for 30 or more years.

BILL JOHNSTON, Manor Fields, Whalley.

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