I WANT to express my anger and frustration at comments made in the article regarding traders annoyed by the delay in plans for pay parking in Blackburn (LET, December 13).

As a town-centre worker, I was disgusted to read that we "hog" the off-street parking spaces and more so, that we spend no money in the shops.

Just what does Chamber of Trade president Ronnie O'Keeffe think workers do each lunchtime? My colleagues and I have spent the past weeks -- no, probably months -- busily buying up everything in sight for Christmas presents as well as our normal daily shopping.

We have to eat and the majority of us buy lunch at either the shops or cafes and pubs. Without us, a lot of traders would be even more unhappy.

Perhaps consideration should be given to improving the shops to attract more custom and, more importantly, reducing the over-paid parking fees to encourage workers to pay for their parking.

People do not want to take up the spaces, but have no alternative when some of the charges are so high.

After all, we go to to work because we have to -- to earn money, not spend it unnecessarily.

I personally do pay for parking. I have a contract which costs me £80 each quarter. Having been mugged several years ago going to my car after a day's work I now feel the need to park as close to my place of work as possible, especially on dark winter evenings.

The suggestion in previous articles that workers should use car parks on the outskirts of town and pay for the privilege is ludicrous and obviously made by a man, who does not consider the needs of female workers.

Incidentally, where does Mr O'Keeffe park?

JANET LOCKLEY (Mrs), Peel Close, Blackburn.