RESIDENTS are being urged to turn detective and shop vandals who are targeting Darwen's Christmas lights with an air rifle.

Since December 2 when the annual switch-on was performed, a total of 90 bulbs have been smashed.

Coun Andy Kay, Blackburn with Darwen Council executive member for regeneration, says vandalism is an 'on-going problem' where Darwen's Christmas lights are concerned.

He said: "We believe the lights are being targeted by somebody taking pot-shots at the decorations with an air rifle.

"We have replaced 90 bulbs and will repair any further damage as soon as we can after it is reported, although it is proving costly and frustrating.

"If residents in Darwen have any information which would help us track down the people responsible we would be delighted to hear from them."

However, Roy Davies, known as the town's 'Freedom Fighter' because of his campaign for autonomy for Darwen, said the council was blaming the damage on vandals when, in his opinion, poor quality lights were the real reason.

Referring to the local authority as 'Scrooge', he said nothing had been done about the lights and that Darwen's Christmas tree, blown over by the wind, had not yet been picked up.

Roy, of Olive Lane, added: "The day after the switch-on, there were 40 bulbs out. I reported this to the council and a week later the number was up to 90.

"Then our tree over the market hall blew down half way through the second week of December and the council didn't bother to pick it up.

"All these problems were reported but nothing has been done."

Coun Kay said the council was working hard to repair the damage and reinstate the tree as soon as possible.

Anyone with information about the incident should call Darwen Police on 01254 701777.