FOR a Leyland family about to up sticks and head for a life of sunshine in Australia, one thing will be shore-ly missed, and that's good old fish 'n' chips!

The Chamberlain family are nearly all packed ready to leave the rain of the North West to emigrate to Perth, Western Australia.

Katherine and Stephen Chamberlain with children Rachel, seven, and George, two, will be leaving their home in Highfield Avenue, Farington on January 18. They will be living with Stephen's family -- his parents, brother and two sisters already live in Australia -- until they find a place of their own.

And along with all the traditional Lancastrian dishes, and historic sights, Katherine says she will miss a good portion of fish 'n' chips. She said: "They use snapper fish rather than cod and it's supposed to be very different."

For the youngsters in the family, the move will mean a new school. Seven-year-old Rachel, who goes to St Catherine's primary in Farington, will miss her beloved Tracy Rigby Dance School behind.

Katherine said: "The children are very excited. It is all outdoor and sports activities over there and that's what they want to be doing.

"We went last year for a month at Christmas, so Rachel has already had chance to get into the lifestyle, she's excited about starting a new school."

Dad Philip will be looking for work as a joiner, and mum Katherine has recently passed a BTEC in childcare.