LEADING lights in Preston's community have been named on the New Year's Honours List.

Ishwer Tailor, president of the Gujurat Hindu Society, and Edward Topping, chairman of Vine House cancer care centre based on Cromwell Street, Preston, are set to become Members of the Order of the British Empire (MBE).

Mr Tailor has been honoured for his services to race relations, and Mr Topping has been nominated for his charity work.

They are not the only Preston faces to be in line for a visit to Buckingham Palace. Shanthi Rasaratnam from Fulwood, a 60-year-old programme manager for United Utilities, has been honoured with an MBE for services to the water industry while Alan Thompson, manager of Preston Combined Court, is also to be made an MBE. Mr Tailor, who moved to the Preston area in 1966 from Kenya, is a leading light in the local community. He is also vice-chair of the Preston and West Lancashire Racial Equality Council.

The 51-year-old, father of three, of Frenchwood Avenue, said: "I feel very proud. It's nice to be recognised for the work I've been doing."

He is also on the Preston Mela steering group and a magistrate on the Preston bench.

Charity champ Edward Topping was delighted to be nominated. The 70-year-old, who is well known for his work with Preston North Rotary Club and the Outward Bound organisation which provides adventure training for young people. He said: "I was very surprised when I received the letter from the Prime Minister. I never expected this kind of recognition!"