SPEEDY pupils from a Preston school will be putting their nerves to the test this week in a racing challenge.

A team of six Year 11 technology pupils at Archbishop Temple School, St Vincent's Road, Preston, have put their heads together to design their own carbon dioxide-powered car for the F1 in Schools engineering challenge.

The school is hoping to repeat its success in the competition last year, when the school's team took first place.

And unusually the team for this year's event is made up of four girls and just one boy.

Technology coordinator Charles Wall said: "Last year we actually won the event, with five boys and one girl, so this year we are hoping to do just as well!

"We have worked with an engineer from BAE Systems. Last year we had the fastest car and the best overall presentation out of all the age groups even though we were up against sixth form pupils."

The 16-year-old pupils set off for their challenge on Tuesday morning, and took part in a national competition on Wednesday, and intend to join an international competition today (Thursday).

The group of pupils, known as the Temple Typhoon Team, have been sponsored by the national science organisation Setpoint, and BAE Systems. They even have their own team T-shirts.

The cars they will be racing can reach speeds of up to 40mph.

Mr Wall said: "Even if we don't win it at least we'll look the part!"

Chris Rogan, director of education partnership at BAE Systems, said: "The race is on to make performance engineering an integral part of technology in schools.

"We are delighted to be sponsors of this exciting event and wish the schools every success."