BUSINESSES in Bury are missing out on profits by ignoring advice, a study just published shows.

Small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) seeking and using advice typically make double the profits of those that don't; but more than half of businesses in the North West are still shunning experts.

Firms that did act on strategic advice typically made gross profits of £216,000 over the last 12 months, The Advice Dividend, a report commissioned by Business Link, reveals. But by comparison, businesses that don't take advice made £109,000 over the same period.

Donna Edwards, executive director of operations at Business Link North Manchester, which embraces Bury, comments: "We find that some businesses in Bury,Wigan, Rochdale, Oldham and Bolton still doubt the value of advice and what it does for the bottom line. This research proves that taking and acting on advice makes good business sense."

The report's researchers questioned 1,002 small and medium businesses nationwide.

Companies that are open-minded about the advice that is right for their business get the best results from it. For example, across the UK businesses that asked for specific advice on finance or marketing thinking it would deliver the most profitable results were in fact best rewarded by advice on training or IT.

Businesses looking for strategic business advice should contact Business Link North Manchester on 0845 608 3388 as a first port of call.