SICK and dying trees in Sunnyhurst Woods, Darwen, are set to be cleared under a £74,000 boost to make the beauty spot a better place for visitors.

Blackburn with Darwen Council and the Forestry Commission have awarded £37,000 between them to clean up the ancient woods.

The Friends of the Woods group say they are delighted. Dennis Gillibrand, Friends chairman, said: "We had a tree survey last year, undertaken by tree experts, and this showed we had nearly 900 trees that were sick, dying or dead.

"We will use the money to remove these trees and to make the woods look a lot better. We are absolutely delighted with the money and it's a step in the right direction. It's the centenary year of the woods and it's a great gift for us."

The ancient wood, home to 7,000 trees, has been in need of repair since storms devastated the area early last year and the 80-strong Friends group has worked hard to restore the wood to its former glory.

But according to Brian Winder, Friends secretary, much more work needs to be done in the future. He said: "The money is fantastic news but there's still a lot of work that needs doing on the path and we are still looking to refurbish the toilets. It will all take time.

"But I'm so pleased that this money has come to us."

Coun Dave Smith said: "It's really excellent news and it will be good to keep the woods safer for visitors. The Friends have done well and it's because they are such a strong group that they can do these things."

The successful bid for funding was submitted by the direct services department of the council and means that essential work can take place as soon as the money is handed over in the coming weeks.

Coun Kate Hollern, executive member for leisure and culture, said: "A survey undertaken last year revealed a number of trees in the wood needed attention. We are delighted to receive this grant to enable us to rectify this and make it a much safer accessible place for local people and visitors to the borough."