A MASSIVE hike in council taxes is forecast again for the coming financial year.

What's new? Indeed, it's the same old chestnut every year. Maybe the grants system and those exempt from paying should be changed.

Michael Jack highlighted the concerns of every council tax payer when he stated that council tax in the county had gone up 47 per cent since 1997 when Labour won power. Being a Tory, he would. Nevertheless, facts speak for themselves.

Moreover, although we were promised a fairer local government settlement this time round, it really doesn't seem to have materialized. However, Tony Blair paints a different picture with extra cash and grants for local councils as against cuts under previous Conservative governments. If the comments of the Prime Minister are true, where's the money going?

Now all political parties enjoy a 'snipe' at their opponents, but what we really want to know is the truth and if it is incompetence, then it's time we were told because it appears we are being patronised.

Local government minister Nick Raynsford believes councils have no excuse for imposing major council tax hikes, only moderate rises were needed.

Whether it be central or local government that is at fault for these anticipated massive increases in council tax demands is irrelevant, but why we are being asked to pay more and more for less and less?

It really is high time that politicians in general took some sort of responsibility for their actions instead of apportioning blame. We the electorate deserve better.

Who is kidding who?

Mr J Hunt,

Carrfield, Bamber Bridge.