TRADITIONALISTS and police officials are poised to attack a top Poulton nightspot when its public entertainments licence comes up for renewal next week.

Since its opening in March 2000 The Residence nightclub, on Vicarage Road, has helped to put Poulton on firmly on the nightlife map by attracting crowds of hundreds each weekend.

But despite a tough admission policy club management have been faced with a barrage of complaints about the conduct of revellers who attend the venue.

One of the fiercest members of the opposition is the Poulton Civic & Historical Society which recently set up a random survey of households in the Poulton town centre area, and which claims has uncovered a staunch following against late-night venues in the town.

And so far, Wyre Borough Council has received 28 letters of complaint against the club's application for a licence renewal from Poulton residents.

But the club faces further opposition after local police officials joined the campaign of disapproval, calling for the club's opening hours to be shortened.

According to undercover police research The Residence faces problems of overcrowding and special measures are now needed to maintain public order at the end of the evening.

And a Wyre Borough Council spokesman said: "Lancashire Police have stated they would like to see The Residence close at 1am instead of 2am for which it currently has permission."

But speaking to The Citizen one Residence source recently defended the club's presence in Poulton.

"The Residence are, and always have been, selective about its clientele.

"We've never admitted excessively drunken people to the club and operate a responsible, considerate and sympathetic policy towards our neighbours in the Poulton area."

"Residence staff are trained to reserve the right to stop serving alcohol to people who are in danger of making a nuisance of themselves after leaving the premises.

"They do not allow bottles or glasses to leave the premises at any times and do our utmost to keep noise levels down and maintain order among club customers at the end of the night.

"But, at the end of the day, there are many people who recognise that The Residence makes an important contribution to the local economy."

The licensing committee meeting will be held on Thursday (January 16) at the Civic Centre, Breck Road, Poulton.