RAY Honeyford (Your Letters, Dec 31) states all the reasons why, in his opinion, we do not want the BNP in Bury.

The BNP have changed considerably over the years and are trying to rid themselves of the bad image that the media and other political parties are still trying, unsuccessfully, to tarnish them with.

Most members are moderate, fair-minded people who have had enough of the current mainstream parties and are looking for a viable alternative; they have found this in the BNP, as I did. I looked very closely at their policies and made a lot of inquiries about them before I decided to support them.

I found that their image has genuinely changed, and that it is not "just a pretence" (Your Letters, Dec 27). So before dismissing the BNP out of hand, based on rumours and media smear campaigns, I would suggest that people do what I did and find out the facts.

In summary, there is no evidence to suggest that BNP councillors cannot be trusted by the public.

JANET, Bury.