DARWEN Churches Action group is still in need of one volunteer to keep its public service in tip-top condition.

The group, the biggest local charity in the town, receives 20 calls per day and makes about 50 furniture deliveries each month, but the charity's personnel cannot cope with the sheer demand.

Bob Kearney, charity manager, said: "We have lots of donations coming, in but the problem is we don't really have enough people to deliver it."

The charity sends furniture, bedding and pots and pans to people in need, usually families starting their first home or pensioners who cannot afford the equipment.

Bob added: "There's a lot of demand for this service and we've tried everything, but the volunteers just aren't coming forward.

"We don't know what to do next and so we just pray that someone comes along. It's very physical work but it's so rewarding."

Volunteers are needed to work on Thursdays and Fridays.

For more information contact 01254 706420.