DON'T take a sledge hammer to crack a nut!

Sadam Hussein is the nut and even if the USA go it alone their enormous military might is a sledge hammer. It would be shear folly to use such a hammer which might crack open a Pandora's Box of troubles and spread destruction and death around the globe. A more sensible method would be to use a nutcracker!

There's a Bible story which describes the use of the more gentle nutcracker principle that could be applied to the present situation.

Sheba led a rebellion against King David who ordered Captain Joab to pursue him. Sheba fled to the city of Abel for refuge and Joab's army threatened to destroy the city, but a wise woman cried out from the wall for Joab to come near so that she could speak to him.


When he came she told him how people used to come to Abel for guidance that would end disputes. She asked: "Why do you seek to destroy this city where there are so many peaceable people?"

Joab replied: "Far be it from me to destroy this city -- deliver Sheba to me and I will depart."

So the woman in her wisdom went to all the people and they cut off Sheba's head and threw it over the wall to Joab who blew a trumpet and his army left the city in peace. See 2 Samuel 20:13-22

If a madman was running wild with a gun nobody would blame anyone for shooting him dead.

In our current crisis we need special days of prayer as in World War II to ask for God's wisdom to know how to remove this villain in Iraq with the minimum of destruction and death. See John 11:50.

Why not copy this article and send it to those in authority?

Rev David Jebson