ELDERLY people are warned to be on their guard against bogus callers following a callous con trick on a 90-years-old woman last week.

Held the Aged has issued a 10 point guide for dealing with fraudsters following the Green Street, Hindsford, theft in which two women posing as charity workers robbed the old lady of cash, bank cards and her pension book after forcing their way into her home.

The charity has issued a cut-out-and-keep-guide to help deal with bogus callers:

Ensure that doors are locked at all times even when at home. Always put the chain on before opening the door, or look out of the window to see if the caller is known.

Always ask to see an identification card, then ring the company concerned -- not the number on the identification card -- to check that the caller is genuine. Genuine people will not mind waiting

Always ask the caller to come back later when someone else is in

Never think you are being over cautious; better to be safe than sorry

Find out about the password systems operated by utility companies. Genuine officials will know what to quote when they call

Ensure that you know what to do if something goes wrong with your water or gas supply. Find out where the stopcock is, make sure you know what to do in a gas emergency so that you can check your supply yourself if someone calls saying there is an emergency

Never be pressurised to accept tradespeople at your door. Always ask for quotes from three different people.

Remember bogus callers can come in all shapes and sizes -- women, men, pairs and children.

A Help the Aged Handy Van will call at the homes of older people to offer a free home security check.

To find out if you live in a HandyVan area or to ask for top home security tips call Help the Aged on 01255 473 999 or visit www.helptheaged.org.uk