YOU will have received many letters concerning the Iraq situation. Whilst I agree with some of the arguments of anti-war protesters I think there are others losing the plot altogether.

I would like to remind people that Saddam Hussein is still a murderer and needs to be desposed of. I do not support the manner in which this is sure to take place but he should not be the leader of the Iraqi people.

We all need to remember this. I also want to know why some members of our community are willing to take to the streets for issues like this but remain hidden when more pressing issues like the rise of the far right is concerned. And why is it certain people are using this 'war talk' to gain support for their own parties? Shouldn't we be united on the issue?

However, I do feel the US and Britain have left themselves open to criticism by not taking action against countries with so-called weapons of mass destruction.

Mr P Hussain, via e-mail