OUR Prime Minister's case for moral and humane war in his address in Scotland was not convincing as the very monster Saddam was backed and supplied with lethal weapons by the West, our country included, which he freely used against Iran and and his own people. Where was the case for humanity and morality?

The sudden turnabout is tantamount to the devil quoting the scripture. Our good and able Prime Minister no doubt will deeply reflect and stop Uncle Sam running amok.

Public opinion has never been ignored and should not be ignored now, which has been the traditional spirit of our great democracy and also fundamental pillars of our democratic values and priniciples of this great nation. The peace rally in London and around the world attended by millions echoes the feelings and sentiments of ordinary people about the current crisis. These cannot be over looked by our great leaders, if they do, it's time to review our own democracy which Great Britain stands for very proudly.

Coun Imtiaz Patel