I WAS concerned to read your article "Student in hospital for meningitis treatment", regarding the Holy Cross college pupil who was receiving hospital treatment after suffering from meningitis.

It is a fact that young people are more vulnerable to the disease, especially when grouped together in large numbers such as in university halls of residence.

Although in winter months there is a higher incidence of the disease, there are still a significant number of cases throughout the summer months, a number of which will result in death or permanent disability.

I wish to further point out that meningococcal infection causes two distinct forms of the disease, meningitis and septicaemia. It is vital to know that meningococcal septicaemia is the most critical. Someone who is suffering from this disease may not necessarily develop meningitis, and would not have the common symptoms associated with meningitis.

Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that everyone concerned is aware of the common symptoms of meningitis and those that may exist with meningococcal septicaemia.

The national charity, Spencer Dayman Meningitis Laboratories, has recently produced a Meningitis and Septicaemia Awareness Fridge Magnet aimed at university students across the UK.

We are appealing to all parents who have loved ones at university, to obtain one of these magnets for their halls of residence.

To obtain an awareness fridge magnet for student residence, send a 44p A5 stamped addressed envelope to the Spencer Dayman Meningitis Laboratories, Fund-raising Office, 25 Clevewood Road, Downend, Bristol BS16 2SF.