MOTHERS in the Daneshouse and Stoneyholme area of Burnley are being offered advice on childcare support to enable them to go back to work after the birth of their child.

Many people who would like to enter the employment market or take up some form of learning are often put off because they do not know who would look after their children.

There are several organisations in Burnley with the answers and Access Point, working in partnership with Sure Start Daneshouse and Stoneyholme and New Era Enterprises, will stage a child care information event on Monday.

It will take place at Daneshouse and Stoneyholme Community Centre, from 1pm to 3pm, and is aimed a local women and the people who work with them.

It is hoped that community workers, as well as women who are thinking of taking up employment or training and need to know about childcare, will attend the event, co-ordinated by the Burnley, Pendle and Rossendale Primary Care Trust.