PLANS have been submitted to bring a shop which has been empty for ten years back into use as a taxi booking office.

But planning officers have recommended refusal of the application, for number four Skipton Road, Barnoldswick, because it could cause late night noise and disturbance to neighbours.

Proposed working hours for the office are until midnight on Sunday to Thursday and until 1am on Friday and Saturday.

There is restricted parking outside them property, allowing two hours' stopping time between 8am and 6pm.

The business would employ one person in the office and operate one taxi up to 6pm and two taxis in the evenings and at weekends.

A decision will be made on Tuesday by the West Craven Committee but a previous application to open a hot-food takeaway on the premises was refused on similar grounds.

It is believed that approval would lead to people congregating at the office and outside the nearby houses.