HOUSING company Twin Valley homes today finds itself in a difficult position.

While it is facing the threat of being sued by many disgruntled tenants unhappy as repairs to their homes have been delayed, it also has the task of clearing 100 homes of asbestos.

Repairs to 300 houses on the Roman Road estate have been put on hold while the asbestos clearance programme takes place.

More than £2.8million has been diverted from the Twin Valley coffers after the asbestos was discovered.

While every sympathy must be given to those waiting for renovations, the conundrum Twin Valley finds itself in must be considered.

Would anyone really expect the company not to remove the asbestos and therefore be seen to be putting lives at risk?

Should it go-ahead with both schemes and leave itself dangerously below budget and increase its rents to pay for it all?

Another worrying factor to the whole story are the solicitors, actively knocking on doors urging people to sue.

The cost of dealing with legal threats has cost Twin Valley £45,000 in the last three months -- which the company says could have paid for 20 new kitchens or 12 homes with new windows and doors.

We hope the matter will be resolved as quickly as possible. And we hope the only winners in all of this will not just be the solicitors.