THE rise of the BNP in Burnley is partly due to other reasons than the "failure of the council to get it's message across" as stated by the council ceader and MP.

The paralell society that has developed over the past 20 years is indicative of a lack of intergration. Both national and local Governments throughout this period have actively encouraged polarisation.

By ignoring the signs and by separately funding duplicated organisations and services which did not reflect the the towns ethnic mix as a whole.

Also the public perception of the politicians is that "they failed to listen to the people". For example the recent campaigns in Whittlefield and Ightenhill and Lowerhouse over planning issues have alienated people. They no have any confidence in the status quo.

The people are protesting also about the council's lack of recognition that more needs to be done to foster true intergration.

This involves constructive and positive actions on behalf of all of the communities in general and not just "spin". This alone will no longer satisfy the public or cure the deep seated issues.

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