THE winners of the Lowerhouse Bowling Club's mixed doubled competition were Mr and Mrs Keith and Iris Charnock.

They won £100. Runners-up were Mr and Mrs Brian and Barbara Smith, who won £50.

Resident Stephen Wharf sponsored the competition and Bird's Chippy donated the pie and peas. The Sparrow Hawk Hotel donated a meal for a prize as did the members.

ROSEGROVE Infant School is appealing to a small number of parents whose children are not returning the reading books into school on a daily basis so that the school can give the children time to do reading work whether or not they have time to read at home.

Also, your child's PE equipment should be sent back to school as soon as possible.

The reception class was due to enjoy a trip to Cronkshaw Farm, Helmshore, today.

BRITISH Waterways Office, Lowerhouse Lane, has submitted a full planning application for the replacement of an existing fence with 3m-high steel palisade fencing at the rear of Dorset Street.

Anyone with any objections can contact Burnley Borough Council. Please quote application number app/2003/02/0275 before May 14.

HOMEOWNERS who live in Rosegrove regardless of age or income can receive the benefits from the Home Maintenance Project. You can be helped with small repairs and the service is free, but clients must pay for materials.

Contact Lynne Ellacot, project manager on 01282 471140.