THE stunning power of actress Linda Marlowe is brought to the Library Theatre in the one-woman play, Diatribe of Love.

Written by Gabriel Garcia Marquez it is a haunting study of a woman's past, and the hopes she has for the future, set against her silver wedding anniversary.

And Linda Marlowe brings an incredible range of emotion, pathos and wit to a character bursting with energy and passion that is unrequited by her husband.

On a simple stage we are taken through the life of Graciela who was born into poverty, met the rebellious man of her dreams but watched him sell out to his family and society.

Linda Marlowe is able to take her audience on this journey with a remarkable stage presence that draws you in, never failing to keep your attention.

One moment your sympathy lies with Graciela the next you see that she could have escaped her life, but maybe she craved the riches it brought.

This is a poignant, thought provoking play that takes you through many emotions with comic touches, irony and silent rage.

With a beautifully simple finish Linda Marlowe ensures newspaper listings will be scoured for her forthcoming productions.

Diatribe of Love at the Library Theatre, Manchester. Until Saturday. Tel: 0161 236 7110.