ALAN E Hughes' anti-Americanism is all too widespread in this country, being shared by the extreme Left and those who resent the fact that the United States has taken on the role that was filled until 1939 by the British Empire.

International Law's only response to the Saddam Husseins and Mugabes is to impose sanctions which deprive the ordinary people of food and medical aid while the tyrants go on building their palaces and turning on their gold plated taps.

In stating that President Bush was elected 'through the manipulation of the ballot by the brother of the "winner"', Mr Hughes must have access to information denied to the rest of us; and I would rather that the taxes I pay were "squandered" on the suppression of terrorism and tyranny than on the sinecures of the Equal Opportunities and Race Relations industries.

Geoffrey Connell

Bromley Road

St Annes