I READ your report (LET, May 1) on the absence of Blackburn councillor Graham Pound with disgust and agreed with Ian Hawthornthwaite's comments (Letters, May 8).

How insulting to local electors can you get? To hear the other Conservatives arguing about whether or not Coun Pound should resign is also disgusting. There should be no question about him remaining a councillor and he should have resigned already.

How can be represent Corporation Park Ward when he has lived and worked in Manchester for the last year. Is he still claiming his council allowances for doing nothing?

The only funny thing about this is that his Conservative ward colleague also wants him to resign. This is the best thing he has said since he was elected last year!

Coun Pound should do the only honest thing possible -- resign now. Let the residents of Corporation Park ward have the chance to elect someone who will do the job like Councillor Dave Harling.

In fact, why doesn't the other Conservative councillor agree with his colleague for once and join him in resigning?

TOM SMITH, Adelaide Terrace, Blackburn.