MUSKETS were drawn for the battle of Hoghton Tower during a re-enactment of the American Civil War.

More than 3,000 people watched an authentic taste of war at an event organised to bring history to life.

A wild west show, New Orleans-style jazz band and classic American cars were also on show as part of the American extravaganza.

Organiser Roger Willinson-Gray said more than £2,000 was spent on explosives to make each battle as realistic as possible.

He said: "Around 400 people were involved in the battle and any bumps and scratches will just have to be put down to experience. It was lucky the rain eased off as we were struggling logistically with the conditions and had to tone down some of the shows. "

Andrew Marginson of Mitchell Street, Clitheroe, was the lucky Lancashire Evening Telegraph competition winner. His prize was to command one of the sides of the battle.