A SUMMER fayre will be held tomorrow in the church hall at St Mark's Church, Rossendale Road. There will be stalls and a raffle with £100 first prize.

ROSEGROVE Action Group wants to thank people who have donated four trays of plants and £29 for the Peace Garden.

Donations of plants are still required.

The hanging baskets should be appearing shortly along with barrier baskets that have cost approximately £350 for the railings next to the Peace Garden.

GREENBROOK Methodist Church on Greenbrook Road would like to thank everyone who helped and supported the annual arts and crafts exhibition last week. It was a great success.

The special family services for the junior church anniversary will be on Sunday. Check this weekend for times of the services and parades.

ROSEGROVE Infant School and Lowerhouse Junior School re-open on Monday at 8.55am. Lowerhouse Junior School have had a mini Olympics scheduled for Wednesday or if the weather is unfit, Thursday 4.

Parents are asked to volunteer to help out.

Year 3 is having a visit to Manchester Airport on June 6.

ROSEGROVE residents are advised to keep property locked up after a spate of thefts in the area this week.