IN response to Julie Warburton's remarks (Letters, May 20) yes, the Anti Nazi League has been known to call members of the BNP racist scum. Perhaps it has something to do with the policy of forced repatriation of ethnic minorities the BNP, until recently, advertised.

Perhaps the convictions for race-related incidents that litter the BNP high command contribute to this belief.

Nick Griffin has been convicted of inciting racial hatred. Tony Lecomber, the 'Group Development Officer,' has 12 convictions, including ones for offences under the Explosives Act 1991. He was also sentenced to three years' imprisonment for an attack on a Jewish teacher.

It is very easy to whine about rights being trampled on, but it is so rare to hear about the responsibilities that come with rights. For example, those exercising their right to free speech have a responsibility to not impinge on the liberty of others.

All citizens of Great Britain have the right to live free from fear of violence, regardless of their colour. I find it hard to take seriously the BNP's claims that their right to free speech is being denied, when they would deny any rights to millions of our countrymen.

Regarding Mr J Pilkington's points (Letters, May 25) one of the guiding principles of this country is that people are born equal. The suggestion that anyone is more worthy to represent the people now because of what his great-grandfather was doing hundreds of years ago is ridiculous!

No fuss was made about the election of white councillors anywhere in the country -- apart from when those white councillors are part of a party which wants to hand-pick the next generation of Britons without any kind of democratic process.

In the face of this evidence, 'racist scum' seems almost inadequate. This is why true patriots, such as the "members of supporters of the ANL" are protesting against the divisive, racist policies of the BNP.

DANIEL RATCLIFFE, Blackburn Anti-Nazi League.