FORTY-FIVE daredevils will abseil down Leigh Parish Church this weekend to celebrate the end of two years of fund-raising -- and to boost their own charity funds.

Among the adventurers are Leigh MP Andy Burnham and registered blind mum Terri Balon who is raising money for Wigan and Leigh Scope.

Chocolate giants Cadburys have pledged £4000 if Mr Burnham completes the jump while local bus operator Jime Stones has donated £100.

The two-day event marks the successful completion of collecting £120,000 to repair the 500 years old landmark, which inspectors found had faults which, if left unchecked, could lead to further roof damage and falling masonry.

The abseilers will descend the Walmesley Road side of the tower -- but how far the drop is has yet to be revealed. The answer forms part a guess-the-height-of-the-tower competition.

Event organiser Peter Hatton said: "Only I know far the drop is because I've measured it. All will be revealed after the event."

The celebrations from 11am to 4pm on Saturday and 12pm to 3.30pm on Sunday will also see a brass band playing, Morris dancers and refreshments served in the Walmesley Road Infants' School.