SO, according to the British Dental Health Foundation, two-thirds of people don't know the true cost of NHS dental charges!

If the present parlous state of NHS dentistry is anything to go by two-thirds of people would like to know but are unable to, as they cannot even find a local NHS dentist to treat them.

Foundation chief executive Dr Nigel Carter says it is a concern that people think treatment is unaffordable so they are not having any. What is unaffordable is the cost of travelling at least 20 miles from Lancaster to find an NHS dentist willing to treat patients as emergencies. Regist-ration as a permanent patient is not even being considered. So much for NHS Direct!

Perhaps Dr Carter would extend his concern to all those in the same position as myself, who are in need of immediate dental treatment and would happily meet NHS charges but are not able to afford the inflated cost of private treatment?

Chris Ward, Halton.