ERIC Leaver's uncharacteristic broad sweep with the tar brush over the Graham Pound saga (LET, June 4) brings neither the local Tory party association, nor Mr Leaver any great credit.

As the chairman of the party's Corporation Ward Committee in Blackburn, I am charged with the job of supporting elected members and would-be councillors and with making sure that they all pull their weight.

It is surely right that the electorate should expect a top-class service from elected councillors and, in an ever-increasing drive to measure performance in almost every aspect of public service, if you don't measure up you must expect to be shown the exit door.

Perhaps, instead of tarring all local Tories with the same brush, Eric Leaver might consider doing a straw poll among Tory councillors to get at the real picture and when that task is completed should he not campaign (in true journalistic style) for a system that forces councillors to live up to their pledge of service to the community?

The local Conservative Association considered Councillor Pound's situation and found itself satisfied with his assurances as to his future commitment.

The voting at the meeting was fairly close, however, and it remains to be seen whether the Conservative group are as sympathetic towards him. Bang the drum by all means, Eric, but go easy on the tar.

JEFFREY STONE, chairman, Corporation Park Ward Committee, Blackburn Conservative Association.