PRESTON Burial and Welfare Society had appealed against the decision by the planning authority to refuse the plan to adapt the London Road former athletic track for Muslim burial use.

The planning inspectorate had decided that this should be a public inquiry which has left many of our members agonising over the decision The society feels that we have a very strong case for an adjudication but people would appreciate we are a public voluntary organisation having a very amicable relationship with various agencies as well as the public at large in Preston city.

The thinking of the society is that by this being a public inquiry with its inherent publicity it is likely to polarise opinions and feelings between communities in Preston. This might result in breakdown of public harmony and goodwill generated so far.

With this in mind the society has decided to withdraw the appeal.

Obviously we will have to work out some way forward with to resolve the issue of Muslim burials in Preston. To end this we urge the local authority to work with us so that it is resolved amicably.

Vali Patel (chairman),

Preston Muslim Burial and Welfare Society.