TONY Blair continues to show an almost obsessive arrogance in his assertion that weapons of mass destruction (WMD) will be found in Iraq. And when they do turn up, which they surely will because they have to, then Blair and his merry band of spinners can say: we told you so; have faith in Blair because he is a very sincere person.

The US, in putting into operation its Project for a New American Century, could conceivably tip the world into nuclear war. Blair intends to "ride the tiger" in every military adventure that Bush undertakes and so more and more British blood will be spilled.

The stated aims of this Project are dominance of air, sea, land and space and the opponent the US fears most is China, which is rapidly approaching the US as a major strategic and economic competitor.

The Project's architect, Paul Wolfowitz, favours using force against China, a country which has already accelerated its weapons programme to face an eventual conflict.

The discovery of WMDs in Iraq will silence dissent and give Blair the free hand he needs to ride this US tiger all the way to Armageddon. The next stop is Iran. Remember when the rallying call goes out just what we will be supporting and where it can lead.

The world has become a very dangerous place in the last two years and unless the patriotic public take notice of what is going on then the wind of change will become the typhoon that engulfs us all.


Bolton Road, Bury.