ADRIAN Shurmer (Letters, June 10) once more hits the nail on the head, nowhere more so than in the summing-up of the antics of the Lancashire Partnership for Road Safety as those of a quango providing jobs for the boys and girls.

A recent example of this is the frightful mess they have just made of the once lovely country road running through Tockholes. What they have done here is pure vandalism.

And what of the original principle that speed cameras should be erected solely at accident blackspots? If this is still in force, it is amazing how more and more of these spots are still coming to light.

And it is equally amazing how so many of them seem to occur just round a corner, preferably on a downward slope.

An exception to this is the two cameras in Buncer Lane, Blackburn. Here we have not one, but two accident blackspots, one on either side of the road within about 20 yards of each other. The presumably appalling carnage on this road before the introduction of these life-saving devices must have been such as to stagger the imagination.

Doubtless some highly-paid official will be ready with a specious justification of this squandering of public money. I wonder, though, how the most glib apologist might justify the presence of a mobile camera at 8.30am the other Sunday morning on a nearly deserted straight stretch of moorland road between Abbey Village and Belmont.

Could anyone be sufficiently brass-faced as to describe the official operating this apparatus as anything more honourable than a tax gatherer masquerading as a policeman?

T J LONGSTAFF, Gorse Road, Blackburn.